Options Prospectus

ChemX Materials Limited (ASX:CMX) (ChemX or the Company) has released its Prospectus announcement.

For the offers of:

(a) up to 11,645,837 Options to participants in the Placement, on the basis of one (1) free attaching Option for every two (2) Shares subscribed for and issued under the Placement, exercisable at $0.09 each on or before the date that is three (3) years from the date of issue (Placement Options) (Placement Options Offer);

(b) up to 5,208,334 Options, on the basis of one (1) free attaching Option for every two (2) Shares issued to Eligible Shareholders under the Company’s security purchase plan (SPP), on the same terms as the Placement Options (SPP Options) (SPP Options Offer);

(c) up to 5,208,334 Options, on the basis of one (1) free attaching Option for every two (2) Shares issued to SPP Shortfall Participants, on the same terms as the Placement Options (Shortfall Options) (Shortfall Options Offer); and

(d) 900,000 Options to the Lead Manager, on the same terms as the Placement Options (Broker Options) (Broker Options Offer),

(together, the Offers).

No funds will be raised under the Offers.


This document is important and should be read in its entirety. If after reading this Prospectus you have any questions about the Options being offered under this Prospectus or any other matter, then you should consult your stockbroker, accountant or other professional adviser.

The Options offered under this Prospectus should be considered as speculative.

Click here for the full ASX Release

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