Tellor Coin Hikes 37% In a Day as Bitcoin BSC Hits $5.75m Milestone

Tellor (TRB) has exploded +37% amid bullish movements in recent weeks, as the emerging Oracle project makes major gains versus vertical leaders such as Chainlink, how high can Tellor coin go?

Oracles are effectively data-links that connect live external data to smart contracts and blockchains, in the instance of TRB this is focused on the ERC-20 blockchain.

Yet, the dramatic upside move has raised suspicions amongst some in the crypto community, with few apparent catalysts for the major pump leaving some alleging price manipulation.

TRB Price Analysis: As Volume Surges Will Tellor Sink or Swim?

The skyrocketing price action has been driven by a huge surge in 24-hour which has seen a whopping +257% increase overnight – as TRB volume hits $171m.

Amid the pumping price action, Tellor is currently trading at a (representing a 24-hour change of +8%).

This comes following a dramatic rally this week, which has seen the emerging oracle project grind-up 53.9% since Monday.

Technical rally structure appeared following a major ‘golden cross’ pattern on September 6, which saw TRB’s 20DMA smash back above the 200DMA in a sudden skyrocket that has given feet to the impressive +224% move since.

The 200DMA itself has now finally switched to an ascendant trajectory, with the moving average currently sat at $14.60 (-56% the 20DMA which sits high at $33).

With price action now battling psychological resistance at the $50 mark, TRB’s RSI indicator is now ringing the warning bell – with a significant overbought signal at 71.5 – demanding consolidation or retracement here before upside can resume.

However, the MACD remains extremely bullish at 0.84 – spotlighting the absolute flood of trading volume behind the frenzied move.

With everything to play for, – in breakout formation – the RSI creates some concern, and this could suggest a period of consolidation below $50 until the 20DMA catches up.

To the upside from here, TRB has a target with a clear break above $50 at $60 (representing a potential +19.83%).

While downside risk could see TRB plummet back down to 20DMA support at $40 (representing a possible -30.1%).

This leaves Tellor coin with a risk: reward ratio of 0.66 – a bad entry characterised by the local rally top – await retracement.

But while TLB holders are weighing up taking profit on major gains, other traders are flocking into an emerging Bitcoin Derivatives presale that offers sensational potential at the next halving event.

Bitcoin Derivatives Skyrocket As +$5.8M Raised in Moonshot Bitcoin BSC Presale

On-Chain Summer has given rise to an emerging vertical of Bitcoin off-shoot projects. While the term “Bitcoin derivative” might raise eyebrows, here’s what it signifies: a digital asset that leverages the strengths of Bitcoin and, at the same time, offers enhancements to rectify its challenges.

And with more than $5.8M raised this is what has markets so excited about .

BTCBSC’s commitment to retaining Bitcoin’s cherished tokenomics, including the iconic 21 million token cap, ensures familiarity, while its unique offerings make it stand out.

One can’t help but marvel at BTCBSC’s integration with BSC (Binance Smart Chain), promising lightning-fast transaction times and minimal fees.

Forget the 10+ minute wait times of traditional Bitcoin; with BTCBSC, your transactions are confirmed in under five seconds, all for a mere $0.10.

This enhanced efficiency opens the door for broader usability, ensuring BTCBSC’s relevance for a range of dApps, from microtransactions to significant financial remittances.

But that’s not all, BTCBSC’s adoption of proof-of-stake over proof-of-work offers a greener, more sustainable mechanism that’s in line with contemporary environmental concerns.

By doing so, it ensures that the energy concerns that often plague traditional cryptocurrencies are a thing of the past.

Ever Wished to Stake Bitcoin: Empower Your Stack with Additional Rewards

isn’t just a token; it’s an investment strategy – focused on: Staking, which has become a focal point in the DeFi space, takes center stage in the BTCBSC ecosystem.

The benefits are two-fold: it offers token holders a lucrative yield (imagine an APY of 8-10%!) and it promotes long-term holding, reducing the notorious price volatility often seen with new crypto projects.

By distributing a staggering 69% of the total token supply as staking rewards over 120 years, BTCBSC not only incentivizes holding but promises sustained and stable growth.

Seize the Moment: The BTCBSC Presale Surges to $5.8m+ Raised in First Week

Now comes the crux: the -a limited-time opportunity, the presale offers 29% of the total token supply to early participants at a tantalizing price of $0.99 per token.

Comparing this to Bitcoin’s 2011 price gives a nostalgic yet optimistic perspective on BTCBSC’s potential.

With liquidity already locked via Unicrypt and a soon-to-be launch on PancakeSwap, the prospects for BTCBSC are incredibly promising.

The parallels to the surges seen in other Bitcoin derivatives, like BCH and BTC20, cannot be ignored.

BTCBSC is poised to not only emulate, but potentially surpass these successes, especially with its strategic staking model.

So in ever volatile crypto markets, BTCBSC emerges as a beacon of innovation and promise – delivering advanced features, combined with the trustworthiness of Bitcoin’s legacy, has seen BTCBSC break-out as a top tier investment opportunity.

As the crypto community eagerly watches the BTCBSC journey, it’s clear that this is more than just another token; it’s a movement, a strategy, and most importantly, an opportunity.

Join the future; join the BTCBSC revolution. Stay tuned for the.

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